What the hell

zsIRC is a freeware IRC client aimed at the Pocket PC platform. It's not meant to be a killer application or anything of that sort, it's just a little side-project I decided to do, because the current clients were lacking various things I felt necessary, so here it is.



HP iPAQ hx2400

vtec kicked in yo vtec kicked in yo vtec kicked in yo vtec kicked in yo vtec kicked in yo
(I guess that's enough for screenshots now - thanks! Of course, if you get zsIRC running on some really weird system...)

MobilePro 900c

vtec kicked in yo
Thanks to Matt O for the shot.

Treo 700wx

vtec kicked in yo
Thanks to Grant Smith for the shot.

O2 XDA Neo

vtec kicked in yo
Thanks to Flu0r for the shot. (Look, it's #breakpoint!)

Samsung SGH-600i

vtec kicked in yo
Thanks to [EviL] for the shot. (#breakpoint again! \o/)

Samsung Blackjack 2

vtec kicked in yo
Thanks to Matt O for the shot.

Motorola Q

vtec kicked in yo
Thanks to m0nkee for the shot.

Mitac MIO a501

vtec kicked in yo
Thanks to Nikolaus for the shot.

Also reported to work on