What the hell
zsIRC is a freeware IRC client aimed at the Pocket PC platform. It's not meant to be a killer application or anything of that sort, it's just a little side-project I decided to do, because the current clients were lacking various things I felt necessary, so here it is.Requirements
- Windows Mobile 2003
- 200k data space
- ~1MB free memory
HP iPAQ hx2400
(I guess that's enough for screenshots now - thanks! Of course, if you get zsIRC running on some really weird system...)
MobilePro 900c
Thanks to Matt O for the shot.
Treo 700wx
Thanks to Grant Smith for the shot.
O2 XDA Neo
Thanks to Flu0r for the shot. (Look, it's #breakpoint!)
Samsung SGH-600i
Thanks to [EviL] for the shot. (#breakpoint again! \o/)
Samsung Blackjack 2
Thanks to Matt O for the shot.
Motorola Q
Thanks to m0nkee for the shot.
Mitac MIO a501
Thanks to Nikolaus for the shot.
Also reported to work on
- HP iPAQ rx3715
- HP iPAQ rx4700 (thanks to Godfather)
- HTC Wizard 100/200
- HTC Universal (thanks to scatterp)
- HTC TyTN (thanks to Booger)
- MDA Pro (thanks to Benway)
- Qtek 9090 (thanks to Pascal)
- Qtek 9100 (thanks to Gianni)